Me too. Them too. Most of us.
Me too. Them too. Most of us. Most of us have experienced sexual harassment or sexual assault. While I am so glad that survivors are...
“Consent is an enthusiastic yes.”
When my grandmother visited me, we went to a restaurant. As I was tired and wanted to go, she jumped. “You are not going home alone, are...

Le luxe d'être une femme
TVA et tampons - Le luxe d'être une femme Est-il normal que l'alimentation animale, la restauration, le vin et les billets de cinéma...
This is a story about rape. This is a story about the 1 in 4 women and the 1 in 6 men who get sexually assaulted in their life. This is...

Happy International Girls Day
Who is today’s girl? She’s tomorrow’s leader. She’s president of her senior class and future president of the USA. She’s the...
No Tax Tampon
Je suis une femme et à onze ans, j’ai saigné. Je n’avais rien demandé. A ma naissance, le carnet rose m’attendait déjà. « Tu viens de la...

I run like a girl
Run like a girl - Blogeintrag " I run like a girl " est notre premier grand projet. Comme la commission jeune n'a été créée que très...