Combining your CRM data with your Google Ads data is absolutely essential when managing a Google Ads account.Ultimately, we want to measure success by tying our digital marketing efforts to a particular company's bottom line. We all know that the main objective of leaders is the growth of results and that connecting your CRM to Google Ads will allow you to provide this information!For example, you set up conversion tracking to measure “contact us” form submissions and you quantify those form submissions as leads that then go to a company's CRM.In this example, you've identified two keywords that generate a majority of leads, so you're bidding on both keywords. Without CRM data connected to Google Ads data, you're actually optimizing directionally because you really have no idea how much revenue those keywords are generating.Therefore, connecting your CRM data to Google Ads data will provide insights into which keywords or campaigns to optimize based on which are generating the most qualified leads and, importantly, revenue.
Without that connection, you're in the dark and that could make the difference in whether that CMO pursues the engagement or not.In this blog, you'll learn different ways to connect the two and ultimately tie your marketing efforts to profitability.gatsbyStep 0: Make sure you have proper UTMs in placeBefore diving into tactical implementation, ground zero where you need to start is to ensure that you have correctly implemented UTM tracking in your campaigns.The primary purpose of connecting CRM and Google Ads data is to tie revenue to specific campaigns and keywords. This not only allows you, as a digital marketer, to prove your worth to your customer, but also provides insight into your “money” keywords to optimize bids.Not familiar with UTM parameters? Here is an informative guide to properly configure them for your campaigns.Method One: Use an Egypt Phone Numbers List Automated Reporting ToolThis first method uses a third party report automation tool and here at Seer we use SuperMetrics for our data extractions.Remember when we mentioned these UTMs? Well, that's the first example of how UTMs play a MAJOR role in linking leads at the campaign and keyword level to leads in your CRM.First, you'll want to ask your client to share their CRM data at a cadence appropriate to your engagement. Once you receive your CRM data, depending on how your UTMs were constructed, there will be columns for UTM parameters such as "UTM_Campname" which in our case houses the campaign the lead came from. . We also have "UTM_Term" which extracts the keyword from which the lead came and finally we have a "UTM_Source" to differentiate between Google Ads and Microsoft Ads.BAM, first step complete! Now the next step you will need to accomplish is to use a reporting automation tool that can pull your Google Ads metrics into a Google Sheet or Excel sheet and that's where the magic happens.Once you've set up these UTMs and have your CRM data and a reporting automation tool collating your Google Ads metrics into a collaborative sheet, that's where the data can be linked.
At Seer, we report at the campaign level as well as keyword level data. Therefore, we use simple lookups and sumif statements to combine our campaign/keyword CRM leads with our Google Ads data to report on clicks, impressions, CPLs and the like.By combining your CRM lead data with your Google Ads data in a collaborative sheet, you can get specific metrics you can trust. These metrics are backed by your CRM data and should be your North Star for optimization.Advanced reports: custom queriesMost sales processes are complex and involve multiple steps. Luckily for you, there is a way to account for every stage of your sales funnel!Let's say you have a 3-stage sales funnel: e-book downloaded, lead submitted, deal closed. To report the date of completion of each step, the GROUP BY function will be your best ally. Whether you use SQL or Power Query for Excel or any other tool, the logic of your re